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Attrup Havn

Last modified
Harbour position DMS
57° 2' 17" N , 9° 27' 20" E
Harbour position DM
57° 2.28333' N , 9° 27.33333' E
Port position map
The Port of Attrup can be used around the clock as long as the weather is bright and visible. A new entrance has been established over Middelgrund south of the Port of Attrup. The entrance is marked with red and green markings. When you are free from Middelgrund you are directed towards the harbor. The harbor lighthouses show in course 027 °. There is a speed limit of 3 knots in the harbor basin.
Number of moorings

Attrup harbor is located in the Limfjord between Aalborg and Aggersund. The Port of Attrup offers modern facilities. The harbor has been renovated and a multifunctional house with panoramic views over the Limfjord has been erected. Toilets and free bathing facilities are available in the service building.

There is a campsite about 800 meters from the harbor where you can supply in a limited selection. The season is open from 14-19 as well as in the morning except Friday and Saturday.

Attrup Boat Boat has a home port in Attrup harbor.


Ifselhøj giant parlor is worth a visit. Jättestuen is located in Alsbjerg Bakker between Attrup and Brovst. The giant room contains 3 stone built chambers, which is very special. No place in Denmark has so far found a giant room with three chambers built behind each other. The first chamber is 8 meters long. The next chamber is 4.5 meters long and the last chamber is 2 meters. The giant's chambers are located symmetrically around an east-west walking axis.

+45 41 91 11 69
Ports charge

2020: All boats: 150 kroner a day. Free port scheme: 40, - / day. Incl. electricity and bath.

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