Attrup Havn
Attrup harbor is located in the Limfjord between Aalborg and Aggersund. The Port of Attrup offers modern facilities. The harbor has been renovated and a multifunctional house with panoramic views over the Limfjord has been erected. Toilets and free bathing facilities are available in the service building.
There is a campsite about 800 meters from the harbor where you can supply in a limited selection. The season is open from 14-19 as well as in the morning except Friday and Saturday.
Attrup Boat Boat has a home port in Attrup harbor.
Ifselhøj giant parlor is worth a visit. Jättestuen is located in Alsbjerg Bakker between Attrup and Brovst. The giant room contains 3 stone built chambers, which is very special. No place in Denmark has so far found a giant room with three chambers built behind each other. The first chamber is 8 meters long. The next chamber is 4.5 meters long and the last chamber is 2 meters. The giant's chambers are located symmetrically around an east-west walking axis.
2020: All boats: 150 kroner a day. Free port scheme: 40, - / day. Incl. electricity and bath.