Strandby Lystbådehavn
Strandby Marina is located between Frederikshavn and Skagen next to the Kattegat. Strandby Marina is one of the Kattegat Coast's newest marinas. In 2009, completely new and modern facilities with 140 boats have been established, which provides plenty of space for both boaters and guest sailors.
Strandby is a small cozy fishing village with about 3000 inhabitants. The harbor is integrated with the city and offers good and cozy facilities in a vibrant and exciting environment.
Shower costs 5,00 Dkk for 3 minutes. Access to baths can be purchased by contacting the port office, or at the Harbor Grill located in the marina area.
Strandby Sailing Club has a home port in Strandby harbor.
Strandby is no bigger than you can stroll through it. In the narrow streets of the city are the old houses close to each other, and in the old town with the winding roads, you feel the historic wings of the old fishing community.
Strandby church was designed by architect Jakob Blegvad. The church was built in 1965-66. Jakob Blegvad has been inspired by the Romanesque village churches simplicity in form and materials. Strandby Church is egg shaped, and is a splendid copy of modern church architecture.
2020: Both under 10 meters in length cost 120 kroner a day. Both over 10 meters in length cost 150 kroner a day. Shore power can be purchased by contacting the port office or the barbecue.